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Purchasing real estate

Sparekassen Kronjylland assist you throughout all the stages of purchasing real estate so that you can purchase your home in Denmark worryfree.

Advice before purchasing

Before you buy real estate, it is important to have an overview of what it costs to own and live in your own home in Denmark. We help you with your budget, which includes expenses such as property tax, insurance, heating, electricity, water, and sewage and expenses regarding home improvements and repairs.

Based on your income and the calculated budget for your expenses, we are able to determine how much real estate you can afford. This enables you to proceed with viewing appropriate housing options.

Sparekassen Kronjylland helps you with all financing and insurances.

Advice during purchasing

Once you have found the real estate you wish to purchase, we will handle all the practicalities. We will contact the real estate broker and a lawyer and we will keep you informed during the process so that you are constantly updated.

We also take care of all the practical work connected with the loan pay out and payment to the seller.

Advice after purchasing

After the purchase, we continue to monitor your finances and inform you of any changes in the interest rate that might be financially advantageous to you.

General information about purchasing real estate

There are many considerations prior to the purchase of real estate. The process is often long and involves many decisions along the way. We help you through the whole process and explain all your options so you can make informed financial decisions.

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